Saturday, October 16, 2010

How To Download Movies Online For Free

If you are anything like me, then you try and do whatever it takes to penny pinch and save money by not spending it on things that you can just get for free. When it comes to movies, sitting a theater with your girlfriend, wife or friends is fun, but expensive. You can spend a ridiculous amount at the movie theaters these days, from the tickets, which are insanely high priced at $10 to $15 a pop (and doubled if you are a guy), to popcorn, candy, drinks or whatever else you like eat when watching a movie. You can spend anywhere from $15 to $50%2B dollars on any given night at the theaters (like I said doubled if you are a guy taking your girl out).

One of the biggest reasons for a night out to the movies being so ridiculously expensive is getting movies in the mail from Netflix and Blockbuster or downloading your movies online for free (personal favorite). Now let me think, pay $50 bucks to drive to the movie theater with cell phones blaring, order a movie and wait for it in the mail or download it to my computer and watch it whenever I please? I will take door number three please!

Many people believe that this method is illegal, time consuming or complicated, but it is none of the above and believe me, once you download your first movie, watch it on your terms, on your schedule, you will never pay to watch movies ever again!

There are quite a few movie download sites on the web today, so I picked out three of the best free download websites, reviewed and rated them one through three, check out the ratings on my blog Top Movie Downloads 4 Free.

If you would like to learn more about getting Free Movie Downloads, check out my blog Top Movie Downloads 4 Free where I have reviewed the best movie download sites the internet has to offer.

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